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Search results for '1.ports'
Keywords are: 'boats ships seafaring sailing shipyard ports'
ship buy buy a new ship
ship repair repair damaged ship
ship recall recover a missing ship
ship show view details of the ship you're in
ship set <args> allow group, allow all, set clan, change crew
ship christen <name> name your ship
ship plank <name> make someone walk the plank
ship scuttle destroy your ship
ship list display all ship that you have permission to use
sail <direction> distance sail in the given direction
Admin only:
ship create create a ship
ship add <args> add hardpoints, holds, weapons, etc to a ship
Seafaring ships can be purchased using gold, and can travel in the ocean
wilds around the edges of continents. Typically, the owner buys the
ship in a port, enters the ship, christens it, then uses the
'ship set' command to allow friends and group members on board.
Once the boat is christened and ready, you can use the 'sail' command
to go exploring.
The most well-known shipyards can be found in Anchorhead, Dragon Tooth,
Daigaku-Tatami, Emerald City, Elborat, Finspang, Naginag and Ritterholm.
Many other less-known seaports are scattered along the coasts of the world.
Currently operating ports can be viewed using the 'ports' command.