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Search results for '1.spell lore'
Keywords are: 'spellgroup druid plant lore wortcunning herbalism herbology herbalist'
Druid plant lore:
plant lore 1 dru
entangling roots 17 dru
poison ivy 26 dru
vampiric vines 31 dru
leech life 35 dru
defile 38 dru
thorn armor 30 dru
storm of roses 39 dru
deadoak 20 dru
liveoak 28 dru
ancient oak 37 dru
thistles 2 dru
thunder seeds 7 dru
bloom 22 dru
This skill group lends knowledge and control of plants and fungus. These
abilities range from knowledge of wild plants and herb collection to the
ability to force plants to grow at abnormal rates and control some of the
more magically vicious species.