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Search results for '16.poison'
Keywords are: 'grenades bombs recipes frag flashbomb firebomb frostring smokebomb stinkbomb shadowbomb bladebomb poisongas gas acid splash'
frag grenade - requires skill 'explosives'
one spell component with affinity for fire spells
one spell component with affinity for lightning spells
one spell component made from crystal or glass without affinity for fire or lightning
Enemies caught unaware by a frag grenade have a high chance to start bleeding.
flashbomb - requires 'explosives' and 'flashbombs'
three spell components with affinity for lightning spells
Enemies caught unaware by a flashbomb have a high chance to be blinded.
firebomb - requires 'explosives', 'flashbombs' and 'incendiaries'
two spell components with affinity for fire spells
one spell component with affinity for lightning spells
Enemies caught unaware by a firebomb have a high chance to catch on fire.
frostbomb - requires 'explosives', 'flashbombs' and 'frostworks'
two spell components with affinity for ice spells
one spell component with affinity for lightning spells
Enemies caught unaware by a frostring grenade have a high chance to be chilled.
smokebomb - requires 'explosives', 'incendiaries' and 'frostworks'
two spell components with affinity for fire spells
one spell component with affinity for ice spells
Smokebombs cause enemies to lose sight of the target, giving them an opportunity
to escape.
stinkbomb - requires 'explosives', 'incendiaries' and 'frostworks'
one spell component with affinity for fire spells
one spell component with affinity for ice spells
one spell component, herb, or food that has the POISON flag
Enemies caught unaware by a stinkbomb have a high chance to be nauseated.
shadowbomb - requires 'explosives', 'flashbombs' and 'shadowworks'
one spell component with affinity for lightning spells
one spell component with affinity for ice spells
one shadow blade
Shadowbombs fill an area with magical darkness.
bladebomb - requires 'explosives', 'flashbombs' and 'shadowworks'
one spell component with affinity for lightning spells
one spell component with affinity for fire spells
two shadow blades
Enemies caught unaware by a bladebomb have a high chance to start bleeding.
Shadow creatures take extra damage.
poison gas bomb - requires 'explosives', 'frostworks' and 'gasbomb'
one spell component with affinity for fire spells
one spell component with affinity for ice spells
one bottled poison vial
Poison gas bombs fill a room with the toxic gases of either a poison cloud or
a choking cloud brew.
acid splash grenade - requires 'explosives', 'incendiaries', and 'gasbomb'
one spell component with affinity for fire spells
one spell component, herb or food that has the POISON flag
one bottled acid vial
Acid splash grenades afflict targets with ongoing acid damage.