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Alter Aeon Help Page Search

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Click here to view a random selection from the help system. Click here to return to the main help index. Search results for ' animal'
Keywords are: 'druid call list animals porcupine coyote boar hyena winter wolf stag black brown polar bear baboon elk ape mountain lion panther moose swarm rats bats viper' The druid 'call animal' skill sends out a magical call to summon nearby creatures. The kinds of creatures depend on surrounding terrain. Some of the callable animals are: NAME SPECIAL QUALITIES CONTROL ============================================================ A porcupine - damaging reflecting quills - 5 A coyote - - 6 A feral boar - berserks when hp is low - 7 A swarm of rats - sickening bite - 8 A hyena - bone-crushing bite - 9 A wolf - trip - 10 A viper - toxic bite, stealthy - 11 A tall stag - bash, stealthy - 11 A black bear - lesser bear rage - 12 A baboon - can use hand spells - 12 A massive elk - bash - 13 A brown bear - bear rage - 14 An ape - can use hand spells - 15 A swarm of bats - blood drain, can fly - 16 A mountain lion - raking claws, stealthy - 16 A black panther - raking claws, stealthy - 17 A winter wolf - freezing breath attack - 18 A gigantic moose - lesser resist cold, bash - 19 A polar bear - resist cold, lesser bear rage - 22 For a list of creatures you can call in a given location, use the 'call list' command.

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