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Search results for '2.leech'
Keywords are: 'druid skill leech life leach'
Skill: leech life Int: 30 Wis: 34 Lvl 35 Drui (28%)
(helpful) Requires: vampiric vines and dominate animal
Group: Druid plant lore
Speed: average
leech [target]
leech [room]
The 'leech life' skill builds upon an ability that the vines created by
the 'vampiric vines' spell possess, which is to steal life force from
enemies, and combines it with advanced knowledge of manipulating animals.
With this skill, a druid can steal life force from living things and heal
himself with such life force.
A druid can either leech life from creatures, or leech life from nearby plants.
Leeching is an offensive act and creatures will retaliate if so targeted.
An animal minion can be leeched for a quick boost in health, but such an act
is instantly fatal to the creature.