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Keywords are: 'spells casting spellcasting how-to-cast-spells smartcasting'
cast <spell name> - cast spell with automatic targeting
cast <spell name> target - cast on a specific thing or person
cast <spell name> group - cast on a group member
Spell casting is one of the more complicated things to learn, because there
are so many ways to do it. Suppose you know the 'magic missile' spell, and
wish to cast it on a deer. The most obvious way to cast it is like this:
> cast magic missile deer
That's a lot of typing though, and there are shortcuts you can use. For
example, you can abbreviate the 'cast' command down to just 'c':
> c magic missile deer
You can also abbreviate most spell names. In the case of the 'magic missile'
spell, the shortest abbreviation is just 'm', so to cast the spell becomes:
> c m deer
Now that's pretty short. It can get even shorter if you are already
fighting the deer - since the spell is fighting spell, it will automatically
target whatever you are fighting if you leave the target out:
> c m
Not all spells can be cast with so few letters, but many of them can - just
experiment and find the easiest way for you to cast your spells.