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Search results for '7.bonus'
Keywords are: 'aalf friend aalfshot bonus class'
The aalf friend class is available during certain Summer Solstice Events.
It is a gift granted to mortals by faeries of the Summer Court for
faithful service. The class builds upon a single spell that can be used
in conjunction with ranged weapons for extra damage.
It is a bonus class with five levels. Each level unlocks the following
Level 1 - 'aalf shot' - You can hurl bolts of mystical faerie energy
to strike down enemies. If you are wielding a ranged weapon, the blast
comes from your weapon. Aalf shot does half damage to fairies, but it
does extra damage to their traditional enemies: goblins, trolls, orcs
and giants.
Level 2 - 'aalf ride' - Your aalf shot now causes enemies to lose
Level 3 - 'aalf eyes' - Your aalf shot has a greater chance to do
extra damage when using a ranged weapon with aalf shot.
Level 4 - 'aalf skip' - Your aalf shot can skip from enemy to enemy,
dealing damage.
Level 5 - 'aalf burn' - Your aalf shot has a chance to blind enemies
it strikes.