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Search results for '8.druid skill carving carve'
Keywords are: 'druid skill carve carving lightcatcher suncatcher catcher'
Skill: suncatcher Lvl 23 Drui (28%)
(important) Requires: petroglyph
Group: Druid rune magic
carve suncatcher - create a sunlight catcher
hide <suncatcher> - hide a suncatcher nearby
gather suncatcher - retrieve a previously placed suncatcher
gather suncatcher list - reminder of where you put suncatchers
gather suncatcher help - other suncatcher options
A suncatcher is a powerful magical artifact carved by druids to store
light. Stored sunlight can be used in a number of different ways, from
lighting rooms to destroying undead and burning opponents.
After carving your suncatcher, you must 'hide' it so that it can
gather sunlight. Suncatchers don't disappear across reboots or leak
light at night, so you can hide or gather them at any time.
Suncatchers cost a small amount of gold to initially create.