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Click here to view a random selection from the help system. Click here to return to the main help index. Search results for 'bird call'
Keywords are: 'druid skill birdcalls call birds flock songbirds magpie raven bald eagle falcon' Skill: bird call Lvl 23 Drui (28%) (helpful) Requires: animal lore Group: Druid animal handling Usage: call list call [name] The druid 'bird call' skill expands on your knowledge of calling animals, allowing you command birds. Birds tend to be more fragile than other called creatures, but they can perform other tasks to aid you besides merely fighting. NAME SPECIAL QUALITIES CONTROL ============================================================= A flock of songbirds - dazes opponents, boosts morale - 7 A goose - intimidates opponents - 9 A magpie - filches shinies - 10 A flamingo - trips opponents - 11 A raven - add cast ability, gives evil eye - 12 A razorbill - bleeding attack, goes underwater - 14 A falcon - help with hunting, blinds - 15 A bald eagle - fishes when idle, blinds - 20 For a list of creatures you can call in a given location, use the 'call list' command.

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