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Click here to view a random selection from the help system. Click here to return to the main help index. Search results for 'brew salve'
Keywords are: 'druid skill brew salves analyze' Skill: brew salve Lvl 11 Drui (28%) (important) Requires: brew infusion Group: Druid tonics Profession brew salve inventory - use all items in your inventory brew salve <object list> - use only specific items brew salve analyze - find brews using herbs in inventory brew salve search <spell> - search recipes for a given spell brew salve show <recipe> - show a given recipe brew salve submit inventory - submit the salve recipe brew salve submit <object list> - submit the salve recipe Druid salves are thick, heavy, and often foul smelling pastes primarily made with herbs. The essence of the herbs is concentrated and mixed, combining with the magic of the brewer to increase its potency. Unlike tonics, salves recipes are common, and are typically not affected by spell components used to boost their power. Rules of salve brewing: - only herbs and spell components may be used - at least two herbs must be used - a given herb combination will always give the same result - spell components can change the level and amount of the salve, but do not affect the result spell produced by the herbs Brewing salves is compatible with the 'autobrew' feature.

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