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Click here to view a random selection from the help system. Click here to return to the main help index. Search results for 'chaos hammer'
Keywords are: 'cleric spell chaos hammer' Spell: chaos hammer Mana: 28 Wis: 38 Chr: 35 Lvl 40 Cler (42%) Requires: holy weapon Group: Cleric divine conjuration spellgroup Damage Type: (varies, see text) Damage: (special, see text) Speed: very slow Usage: cast chaos hammer cast chaos hammer <target> The 'chaos hammer' spell channels the divine creative potential of Primordial Chaos to strike down an opponent with a conjured magical hammer. The hammer explodes in a blast of primal magic. This chaotic energy sometimes has strange and unexpected side effects. If you are carrying a magical hammer created by the 'spirit hammer' spell, chaos hammer will throw it for increased damage. If the magical hammer has an extended damage type like fire or ice, so will chaos hammer. Using a magical hammer increases the odds of chaotic side effects. Magical hammers are consumed when used by the spell.

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