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Search results for 'clanwho'
Keywords are: 'clans ctell cwho clantell clantalk tribes clanwho'
Clans are fully implemented here, and there are a lot of common (and
obscure) clan commands. Here is a few of the basics:
'cwho' will show you all of the people on the who list who are in your clan.
'ctell' or 'clantell' will allow you to talk on a clan channel, and everyone
in your clan will be able to hear you if they have their clan channel on.
'dues' will show the status of your clan on paying its dues.
'roster' will show a listing of current members in your clan.
'clan' will show general information about your clan, and also interfaces
into some of the above commands.
There are other more obscure commands tucked away in other clan help pages.
See 'help clan' for more information.