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Keywords are: 'necromancer spell clayman man golem' Spell: clay man Mana: 25 Int: 12 Wis: 11 Lvl 1 Necr (28%) (critical) Group: Necromancer Animation (Can Be Bloodcast) This necromancer spell forms a crude clay man out of nearby dirt and clay. The clay man has no intelligence and is largely uncontrollable, but it will assist the caster in combat and act as a punching bag. This spell is part of the necromancer 'Animation' skill tree, which allows the creation of several different types of animated entities. Each has different strengths and weaknesses, but due to the nature of the magic you may only control one at a time. Animated entities such as this require a small amount of mana to sustain, and may break down if you run out of mana. If you bloodcast this spell, the resulting clay man can be healed by blood sacrifice and bloodbond, and will regain health when attacking bleeding enemies.

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