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Click here to view a random selection from the help system. Click here to return to the main help index. Search results for 'crystal prison'
Keywords are: 'mage spell crystal prison' Spell: crystal prison Mana: 60 Int: 35 Wis: 31 Lvl 33 Mage (28%) (helpful) Requires: shard storm Group: Mage crystal spellgroup Speed: slow Usage: cast crystal prison <target> With this spell, powerful mages can encase an opponent in crystal, immobilizing them completely. It takes time for the crystal to form and surround the target, so a sufficiently dextrous or strong target may be able to escape or shatter the prison before it is completed. This spell cannot take hold on living creatures, as the spell matrix, like that of crystal coat, only binds to inanimate matter. It is therefore useful for disabling undead and constructs like golems.

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