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Search results for 'elemental collapse'
Keywords are: 'mage spell elemental collapse'
Skill: elemental collapse Lvl 30 Mage (42%)
(helpful) Requires: undo and elemental lore
Group: Mage basic magics
The 'elemental collapse' skill allows mages to manipulate the essence
of certain kinds of elementals that they destroy with 'dispel magic'.
When they destroy a fire, ice, lightning or crystal elemental, they
attempt to condense its magic into a stable form instead of allowing
it to disperse. These must be "pure" elementals, and not elementally
infused creatures such as animentals or djinn. Low level elementals
are not substantial enough to collapse into essence.
The resulting elemental essence is a spellcomp with an affinity for
elemental magic. While it has a long shelf life, it will slowly decay
and will not save.
Mages with knowledge of fire focusing, ice focusing, lightning focusing
or crystal focusing will be more successful collapsing an
elemental of the corresponding essence.