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Click here to view a random selection from the help system. Click here to return to the main help index. Search results for 'grind stone'
Keywords are: 'skill crafting grind stone' Skill: grind stone Lvl 17 Any (85%) (helpful) Requires: lapidary Group: Lapidarists Guild Trade Skills Profession Guild: The Lapidarists Guild Rank: Journeyman lapidary grind <stone> lapidary crush <stone> lapidary split <stone> The 'grind stone' skill allows you to crush, grind and split stones for different purposes. The 'lapidary crush' command can be used to crush ores into powder. These powders can be used for brewing. The 'lapidary grind' command can be used to reduce the size and mass of a lapidary stone. It removes one pound of material at a time, and a number of inches dependent on the density of the stone. The 'lapidary split' command can be used to divide stones into two pieces. The odds of success are dependent on your lapidary skill and the hardness of the stone. Some of the stone's weight is lost when it is cut. This is especially noticeable on less massive stones. Stones that can only be cut into gemstones require the gemcutter skill to split, unless they are spell components. These abilities can fail and destroy the material you are working with.

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