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Search results for 'leathercrafting'
Keywords are: 'skill crafting leathercrafting skinning skinner bundle'
Skill: leathercraft Lvl 7 Any (85%)
(helpful) Requires: hunter
Group: Rangers Guild Trade Skills
Guild: The Rangers Guild Rank: Apprentice
leathercraft help
leathercraft list
leathercraft bundle <skin> <skin>
leathercraft check <skin>
leathercraft check <leathercrafted item>
leathercraft create <item> <skin>
leathercraft finish <skin>
leathercraft add <upgrade> <leathercrafted item>
skin <corpse>
The 'leathercraft' skill allows you skin the corpses of animals and
manufacture leather armor and other items from hides harvested. Leather
equipment can be made relatively quickly and does not require a
specialized workshop or tools.
Leathercrafted armor is not as protective as forged armor, but it can
give large bonuses to hitpoints and movement. They can also be upgraded
with studs, spikes, scales or spangles.
You can use the 'leathercraft check' command on a hide to check what
kinds of items it can be crafted into. You can fashion objects for
other players by adding their name after the name of the item you wish
to craft.
You will attempt to finish the item until you run out of movement, choose
to stop or are otherwise interrupted. Unfinished leather items can be
finished at a future time using the 'leathercraft finish' command.
You can combine skins of the same creature together, creating bundles,
which can be crafted into larger items than the individual skins.
If you know leathercraft and tailoring, you can tailor leather items
as if they were cloth. If you know leathercraft and hatmaking, you can
craft hats from leather using the leathercraft skill.
When you finish crafting a piece of leather equipment, you will see a
message like this:
You complete a southern silver megafox hide cap and dispose of the scraps.
In order to remove shells from large insects and other arthropods, you
need to know the 'shellcraft' skill.
In order to skin dragons, you need to know the 'dragonscale armor' skill.
If you want to skin corpses, it is a good idea to turn off autosac.