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Keywords are: 'cleric spell major healing mheal bolster soothe wounds' Spell: soothe wounds Mana: 7 Wis: 12 Chr: 11 Lvl 1 Cler (42%) (critical) Group: Cleric healing spellgroup (Can Be Groupcast) Spell: bolster Mana: 14 Wis: 17 Chr: 13 Lvl 9 Cler (28%) (critical) Requires: soothe wounds Group: Cleric healing spellgroup (Can Be Groupcast) Spell: heal Mana: 28 Wis: 23 Chr: 19 Lvl 17 Cler (28%) (critical) Requires: bolster Group: Cleric healing spellgroup (Can Be Groupcast) Spell: major heal Mana: 50 Wis: 27 Chr: 23 Lvl 23 Cler (28%) (critical) Requires: heal Group: Cleric healing spellgroup (Can Be Groupcast) Usage: cast soothe wounds <target> cast bolster <target> cast heal <target> cast major heal <target> The above are all healing spells which restore the health of the target. These spells are divine powers granted to clerics by the gods. In addition to healing, these spells lessen the ongoing damage from acid. The 'soothe wounds' spell is the weakest healing spell. It heals injuries and removes pain, restoring health. The numbing effect can also prevent the subject from getting dazed or stunned. While it can help stave off death for a mortally wounded or badly bleeding person, it works best for treating more superficial wounds. The 'bolster' spell restores both the health and the well-being of the target, raising their morale. The more injured the target, the higher the morale boost. The 'heal' spell induces deep, targeted healing of one or more large wounds, and as such can remove bleeding effects such as those inflicted by bloodletting stab. Targets of heal may also feel a rebound of energy as blood flow is restored. Conversely, 'major heal' attempts to heal as many injuries as possible, starting with the smallest. Though it cannot stop deep bleeding wounds, it is so potent that when casting it on another person, the healer may regain a small amount of health as the magic courses through them.

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