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Search results for 'track'
Keywords are: 'skill survivalist butchering hunting hunter meat steak ambush pursue track'
Skill: hunter Lvl 1 Any (85%)
Group: Rangers Guild Trade Skills
Guild: The Rangers Guild Rank: Novice
hunt check
hunt stop
butcher <corpse>
butcher stop
The 'hunter' skill allows the hardy adventurer to find and slay beasts
using a ranged weapon, and to make better, more efficient use of the meat
from slain animals and some other creatures.
While hunting, you have access to several other commands that control your
behavior. You can:
'track' to locate and identify evidence of game.
'ambush' to lie in wait for game to approach.
'pursue' to stalk prey that you have tracked.
'trap' to lay a trap for game while ambushing.
'bait' to lure game using food.
'fire' when wielding a loaded ranged weapon and near game in order
to kill it.
Should you begin tracking something that you are not interested in, you
can use the 'track' command again to starting looking for something else.
The choice on whether to ambush or pursue game depends largely on the
game's habits. Generally, carnivores are unaccustomed to being hunted
themselves and are easier to pursue, while herbivores are more easily
ambushed. Should you fire at game and miss or only wound it, you will
need to pursue to catch up to it again.
Bait works best when adhering to an animal's preferred diet. Traps incur
a small cost of gold, but if successfully trapped, game can be more easily
slain and is less likely to escape. Otherwise, there is a chance that
whatever you are hunting attacks you.
Slain game can be butchered for meat and harvested for other resources.
While any idiot can wield a knife and cut something up, those with a well
honed hunter skill will be able to salvage far more meat in larger pieces.
Additionally, those without at least some level of training may cut the wrong
thing at the wrong time and mistakenly contaminate some of the meat. A few
cases of people being poisoned by poorly cut meat crop up from time to time.
In addition to flesh from various beasts, you can butcher fish you catch
that weigh at least three pounds into more manageable pieces.
If you want to butcher corpses, it is a good idea to turn off autosac.