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Search results for 'unblock'
Keywords are: 'blocking notell unblocking'
block <player>
block add <player>
block remove <player>
unblock <player>
block show
block clear
The 'block' command allows you to block certain annoying actions from
other players. The things that are blocked include:
- tell
- reply
- beep
- whisper
- talk
- socials
- follow
- group join
- give
If another player is harassing you, you may wish to use the 'ignore'
command instead. It is much more powerful than 'block'.
Blocking a player will also block all other characters belonging to that
player's account. However, the block preferences of your character are
not shared between others in your account.
You can use the keyword 'mobs' to block all mobs. You can also use the
keyword 'all' to block everybody. Note that administrators (level 107+)
cannot be blocked.