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Keywords are: 'experience xperience' There are many ways to gain experience on the game. The most common way to gain experience is through fighting monsters, but each class has its own specialties. Some of those are listed below. Mages can gain a lot of experience simply through the act of casting spells. The more powerful the spell, the more experience it is worth, but if you cast the same spell all the time it becomes worth less. Mages also can get experience for brewing magic potions and scribing scrolls. Clerics usually get additional experience in two ways - healing other players, and using the 'turn undead' skill. Clerics only get experience for healing other players, so you often find clerics in groups healing fighters. Clerics can also brew unguents for modest amounts of experience. Thieves have perhaps the most varied ways of gaining additional experience. They get experience when using the 'backstab' skill to start a fight, and a skilled thief can safely get experience by pickpocketing, stealing things, and shoplifting items from monsters. High level thieves can also get experience for brewing and using poisons, and crafting grenades. Warriors primarily get experience from fighting and using the various warrior skills. The primary skills that warriors use to gain experience are berserk, disarm, rescue and tanking. These skills give a lot more experience when in a group than when playing by yourself. Learning and utilizing warrior combos can also generate considerable amounts of experience. Necromancers have a wide variety of skills and spells to choose from, and most of these will give experience when used. This class is very heavily skill based with a number of different approaches that can be used, so you'll probably want to experiment with your skill set to find the best ways to gain extra experience. In particular, necromancers can harvest teeth, bones, blood and spell components from corpses. Druids like mages, druids gain a lot of experience through the act of casting spells, with more powerful spells being worth more experience. The class also has a variety of crafting skills at low levels, which can supplement experience gained through combat. There are also other ways to gain experience that are open to all classes. Whenever you improve at a spell or skill you gain some experience, and when you complete quests you may get extra experience and gold. At low levels the ranger skills such as fishing, butchering and skinning can be used to gain experience, as can cooking. Note that group members with special tasks such as the leader and the tank will also get extra experience in groups.

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