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Click here to view a random selection from the help system. Click here to return to the main help index. Search results for ' lore'
Keywords are: 'skill lore monster monsterlore' Skill: monster lore Lvl 8 Any (28%) (helpful) The monster lore skill will work automatically when you consider a mob. depending on a number of random factors and how well you know the skill, you may be privy to information about a particular monster that the casual observer might not have been. This information generally includes what kind of damage a monster is or is not resistant to. There are a variety of supplementary lore skills that will help you determine more accurate information about specific kinds of creatures. The knowledge gleaned from these skills may grant you additional abilities, such as gathering herbs or salvaging parts from defeated machines. Animal Lore Demon Lore Dragon Lore Elemental Lore Mechanical Aptitude Plant Lore Undead Lore Note that there are creatures about which very little is known! For these creatures, the skill may be completely ineffective. The monster lore skill will work with varying levels of effectiveness for everyone when considering a particular mob. If you're having trouble getting anything relevant, ask for a second a opinion. Someone else may be able to see something that you can't, or vice-versa.

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