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Alter Aeon Help Page Search

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Click here to view a random selection from the help system. Click here to return to the main help index. Search results for '10.clan'
Keywords are: 'clan websites rank dues discount' If your clan has a web page, you may be eligible for a break on your clan dues. All you have to do: 1) Create a web page somewhere 2) Write up at least one page of text on your web page 3) Link it back to Alter Aeon 4) Ask Dentin to link it to the Alter Aeon main site. If your page is linked up, your clan will get a break on its dues, and hopefully AA will get more web pages out there for people to look at. The better your web page is, the higher it will be ranked. Highly ranked pages give much bigger discounts on dues. Rules for calculating your discount: +1 for each page containing a meaningful chunk of text not cut and pasted from somewhere else. This means at least a hundred words, which is really only about ten sentences, or two paragraphs. -OR- +2 points each for pages with over 250 words of meaningful text on them. -OR- +2 for each page that's really well done and a joy to look at (this is at the discretion of Dentin only) +1 point for a meaningful roster page if it falls short of the hundred word limit above. -2 points from the total if it has ad-server sidebars or trailers, like geocities and yahoo +1 point for really nice, aesthetically pleasing layout and site design We strongly recommend the free Google web sites at: These have no ads and can actually be set up to look nice. Please link back to AA, or you won't get any points at all. Other rules are pretty obvious - the page has to be about the clan, should be tasteful, and should be more than a header you threw together in 30 seconds. Please don't link to any porn or advertising sites, as that isn't what Alter Aeon is about. Just a few of the type of pages a clan may wish to consider creating: - purpose of the clan, goals and desires - history of the clan, how it got started and why - roster of founders, list of who they are and why they are important - roster of elders, list of who they are and why they are important - how to gain entry to the clan, application process etc

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