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Click here to view a random selection from the help system. Click here to return to the main help index. Search results for '16.crafting'
Keywords are: 'skill crafting knapping stone tools stoneknapping flint' Skill: stone knapping Lvl 4 Any (28%) (obscure) Profession Usage: knapping help knapping list knapping check <stone> knapping create <tool> <stone> knapping finish <stone> knapping add <feather> <tool> knapping stop With the 'knapping' skill, one can fashion simple weapons and tools from just a branch of gathered wood and a piece of suitable stone. Not just any stone will do - it must be made from a mineral that flakes well, such as flint, quartz, obsidian or jade. You see if a rock can be knapped by using the 'knapping check' command on it. Stone knapping is an ancient craft, one of the first mastered by any sentient race. While any fool can knock stones together to get sharp flakes, it takes a great deal of skill and time to fashion battle-ready weapons and sturdy tools. The blades of stone weapons can often be sharper than steel, but their dierolls tend to be wider than other crafted weapons. While it is a highly developed art and relatively easy to learn, knapping is a skill that few have sought to master. The availability of inexpensive metal tools has driven this skill into obscurity. When you finish crafting a stone tool, you will see a message like this: You carve a slot into the handle, mount the blade and wrap it tightly with a cord. A barbarous purple jade-bladed knife is finished! If you know the fletcher skill, you can make stone heads for arrows and crossbow bolts. Making an arrowhead doesn't require any wood. They are added to finished arrows as an upgrade, just like forged arrowheads. You can decorate stone tools with plucked feathers to add stats.

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