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Click here to view a random selection from the help system. Click here to return to the main help index. Search results for ' elemental'
Keywords are: 'mage skill summon ice elemental lesser greater' Skill: lesser ice elemental Mana: 85 Lvl 24 Mage (28%) (helpful) Requires: ice focusing Group: Mage elemental cold spellgroup Skill: ice elemental Mana: 127 Lvl 36 Mage (28%) (helpful) Requires: lesser ice elemental Group: Mage elemental cold spellgroup Skill: greater ice elemental Mana: 170 Lvl 39 Mage (28%) (helpful) Requires: ice elemental Group: Mage elemental cold spellgroup Usage: summon elemental ice lesser summon elemental ice summon elemental ice greater The 'lesser ice elemental' skill is a mid level mage ability that summons a small ice elemental from the ethereal plane of ice to do your bidding. Your mana fuels and sustains the elemental, and the elemental will need your mana to heal. The strength of the summoned elemental is dependent on the casting level of the summoner, and more powerful elementals require more mana to maintain. Lowering or raising mage casting level is an effective way to control mana costs and the power of the summoned elemental. Medium sized elementals can be summoned with the 'ice elemental' skill, and require higher mana and control costs. Greater elementals can be summoned with the 'greater ice elemental' skill, and are even more difficult to control. Ice elementals have low damage, but are difficult to destroy and make excellent tanks.

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