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Click here to view a random selection from the help system. Click here to return to the main help index. Search results for '2.load'
Keywords are: 'forge enhance loading fullers' Usage: forge enhance <type> <object> forge enhance help The 'forge enhance' command allows you to make modifications specific to metalworking. These include: load - fills wood and bone weapons, as well as forged simple weapons, with lead or other soft metals to increase their weight and dieroll. Requires the 'metallurgy' skill. inlay - adds decorative accents of ductile metals to crafted jewelry, armor, weapons and other items to add small amounts of stats. Requires a metal to add and the 'jewelrysmithing' skill. hone - increases the hitroll of a weapon. Requires the 'forge blade' skill. fuller - adds grooves to finished weapons made with the forge blade skill, to increase their speed and damroll. Requires the 'forge blade' skill. runes - adds druidic runes to metal items. Requires a metal to add and the druid skill 'inlay runes'. customize - alters the dieroll of a weapon, possibly increasing its damage. Requires the warrior skill 'customize weapon'. reinforce - increases the ac of a piece of armor. Requires the skill 'reinforce armor'. balance - increases the speed of a weapon. Requires the 'forge simple weapon' skill. mengu - allows you to add a crafted mask to a southern-style helmet, such as a hanburi or a kabuto. Requires the 'forge kozane and nihonto' skill. Before enhancing an object, it is a good idea to 'appraise' it. The appraise command will give you a rough idea of how much more an object can be improved, if at all.

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