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Keywords are: 'groups commands follow' Syntax: follow <self> follow <character> unfollow group group <character> group all group add <character> group boot <character> ungroup <character> groups The 'follow' command allows you to follow another character around whenever that character moves anywhere. You will follow that character until you are either ditched, or until you can follow no longer (like if you forgot your boat, or if you run out of movement.) To stop following someone, follow yourself. If you are following someone, the person you are following can add you to their group. When you're grouped, you can use the 'group' and 'gtell' commands to view your group and talk to your group. If you are following yourself, you are automatically the leader of your own group, even if it's just by yourself. To get out of someone else's group, follow yourself. To kick someone out of a group that you lead, use the 'group boot' command. You can also use the 'group' command on a grouped person to ungroup them. The 'groups' command can be used to find other groups and followers.

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