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Click here to view a random selection from the help system. Click here to return to the main help index. Search results for '4.corpse'
Keywords are: 'necromancer spell raised undead dead raising prepare preparing corpses' Spell: raise undead Mana: 35 Int: 20 Wis: 18 Lvl 14 Necr (28%) (important) Requires: prepare zombie Group: Necromancer Undead Skills Raising true undead is a complicated and difficult process, fraught with risk and often taxing of even powerful necromancers. Raising a creature is typically accomplished in several steps, to minimize the chance of failure or of the undead turning on the summoner: 1) Obtain a fresh corpse. 2) Begin by casting preservation on the corpse. 'cast preservation corpse' 3) Prepare the corpse to become the desired type of undead. 'prepare corpse ghoul' 4) Bind soulstones, taken from creatures near death, to the corpse. 'prepare corpse soulstone' - possibly more than once It's a good idea to keep adding soulstones until you can't add more. 5) Cast the final 'raise undead' spell. 'cast raise undead corpse' The raised minion typically serves its summoner for as long as desired, and can be released at any time should it turn on its master. Raised undead usually have some form of intelligence, and can also follow orders (unlike animated entities or dragontooth minions.) To give your raised undead direct orders, you can use the 'order' command. To give your raised undead general battle orders, you can use the 'control' command. 'help control' will also give you an idea of how many raised undead you can have at once.

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