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Keywords are: 'fortuitous notary bonus class' The fortuitous notary class is available during certain Summer Solstice Events. It is based on the lore surrounding Saint Mordin of the Eye and the mysterious powers of vespers. It is a bonus class with five levels. Each level unlocks the following spells: Level 1 - 'fortuity' - You bestow a bonus of magical luck to yourself or a companion. While not very useful on its own, increased luck enhances the efficacy of other fortuitous notary abilities. Level 2 - 'bright companion' - You call upon vesperine powers of fortune to grant you a bright companion, a hound-like projection of your will. A bright companion has no substance and cannot fight or interact with the physical world, but it lights the area around it and bestows a bonus to hitroll and damroll to you and your group members. Level 3 - 'luck aura' - You surround yourself with a subtle aura that alters probability. This aura can cause incoming projectiles to glance off of you in improbable ways. It also helps protect from certain kinds of dragonbreath attacks. The more lucky you are, the more effective the aura can be. Level 4 - 'stunning glance' - With a glance, you can penetrate the soul of a living creature, causing them harm and possibly stunning them. The more lucky you are, the more damage your stunning glance can do. Level 5 - 'determine fate' - You seal the fate of a badly wounded opponent. If you are very lucky, they instantly die. If they survive, they remain vulnernable to the whims of fate for a short time after, and will die instead of becoming mortally wounded. Creatures that normally die when mortally wounded are immune to determine fate.

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