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Keywords are: 'dclient hotkeys functionkeys fkeys' The official Alter Aeon client allows you to set up hotkeys on the function keys on your keyboard. To set up a hotkey, you use the 'alias' command to set special hotkey aliases. The aliases you set for the hotkeys are: f01 - alias that runs when hotkey 'F1' is pressed on the keyboard f02 - alias that runs when hotkey 'F2' is pressed on the keyboard ... f10 - alias that runs when hotkey 'F10' is pressed on the keyboard To set up a hotkey to cast 'shower of sparks' when F4 is pressed, start with the following: 'alias =f04' - this starts setting the 'f04' alias 'cast shower sparks' - add the line 'cast shower sparks' to the alias '/done' - this finishes the alias Now, when you press F4, you will attempt to cast the 'shower of sparks' spell. If you are in combat when you press F4, the spell will automatically target your enemy. Other function keys can be set in the same fashion. In addition, the function keys can be mapped in conjunction with the ctrl and shift keys. To set a function key with shift, add 's' before the alias. Likewise, to set a function key with ctrl, add 'c' before the alias. For example 'sf01' triggers when you hold down the shift key and hit F1, while 'cf09' triggers when you hold down the control key and hit F9.

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