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Click here to view a random selection from the help system. Click here to return to the main help index. Search results for '7.commands'
Keywords are: 'history commands' Syntax: history !! !<number> !<command> The history command will show you a listing of the last 15 or so commands you have used. Each command is associated with a number. One command may have a highlighted red number - this command will be the next one to be replaced if you type a new command in. The ! or !! commands will repeat the last command you used. The !<number> command will invoke that command number listed with the history command. For example, '!13' will invoke command number 13 from the command listing. The !<command> command will invoke the first matching command in the history list. Only the first word is checked. For example, '!say' might invoke the command 'say hello' from your command history.

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