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Alter Aeon Online Help

This is a directory of Alter Aeon help pages, grouped roughly by category.
You can browse through each section.  For a glossary of commonly used MUD
terms, you may want to try our Muds and Mudding Glossary over in our
Gaming Articles section.

Click here to return to the main help index.

20 - items and related commands
     1   - ammo ammunition
     2   - ranged weapons attacks bows crossbows slings blowguns guns firearms arms arrows bolts darts bullets cartridges
     3   - appraise
     4   - bane weapon quarry race
     5   - instrument
     6   - beta
     7   - binding bound equipment
     8   - boats carried
     9   - boats ships seafaring sailing shipyard ports
     10  - compare autocompare
     11  - containers bags backpacks
     12  - count
     13  - otypefocus objectypefocus
     14  - lock unlock open close doors
     15  - push pull touch
     16  - give give-objects give-gold give-credits give-teeth give-dteeth
     17  - drop get put remove take discard
     18  - dropping gold teeth dteeth
     19  - donate command donation room oops
     20  - empty
     21  - enter portals
     22  - extinguishing lighting ignite igniting douse dousing
     23  - floating flag
     24  - flags
     25  - eating drinking water
     26  - fill pour
     27  - holding
     28  - items objects
     29  - money gold coins
     30  - treasure bullion ingots billets
     31  - fragile
     32  - nosave no_save unsaveable objects flags
     33  - no_sacrifice nosacrifice keepflag keepsake flags noput no_put
     34  - quaff potions
     35  - ofind objfind objectfind find
     36  - questitem quest_item
     37  - sort
     38  - sacrifice junk
     39  - smell aroma
     40  - taste flavor flavour
     41  - use using
     42  - useworn useheld
     43  - wear hold wield remove unuse unwield unequip
     44  - weapons weaponry
     45  - composition materials substances
     46  - staffs wands staves

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