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Alter Aeon Online Help

This is a directory of Alter Aeon help pages, grouped roughly by category.
You can browse through each section.  For a glossary of commonly used MUD
terms, you may want to try our Muds and Mudding Glossary over in our
Gaming Articles section.

Click here to return to the main help index.

30 - potion and poison brewing
     1   - autobrew automatic brewing abrew
     2   - brewset recipes
     3   - herbs ingredients spellcomp spell componants components reagents
     4   - brew affinity
     5   - tornius' reagent
     6   - skill brewing potion submitting recipes focus
     7   - thief skill brewing poison
     8   - skill brewing acid
     9   - thief skill poison handling
     10  - thief skill advanced poisons
     11  - thief skill brewing antidotes
     12  - thief skill advanced antidotes
     13  - magical poison
     14  - advanced poisons vexed visions itching skin nausea asphixiation
     15  - advanced poisons dragonbanes insecticides herbicides
     16  - thief skill reduce antidotes use
     17  - thief skill poison weapon food corpse unpoison clean
     18  - thief skill poison lore
     19  - skill potion lore
     20  - skill reagent lore affinity
     21  - brew relabel
     22  - skill reduce reagent reduction
     23  - skill poison resistance
     24  - spell brewonly clear thinking
     25  - spell brewonly enhancement
     26  - spell brewonly extended sight
     27  - spell brewonly magic resistance
     28  - spell brewonly poison choking cloud
     29  - spell brewonly restoration
     30  - spell brewonly vulnerability
     31  - spell brewonly frostweb frost web
     32  - brewonly harden seal leather endure elements
     33  - spell invigorated nourishment nourished
     34  - spell transmute metal transmutation

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