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Keywords are:  'cleric spell eyebite blindness'

Spell: eyebite                  Mana:  22  Wis: 37  Chr: 33  Lvl 38 Cler  (28%)
                                (helpful)   Requires: clumsiness
                                Group: Cleric tribulation spellgroup
                                Speed: average
                                (Can Be Groupcast)

cast eyebite <target>

The 'eyebite' curse causes the vision of the target to be impaired.
Close-range vision is slightly fuzzy, but long-range vision is horribly
warped and blurred. The target's hitroll in melee is lowered, their
ability to use ranged attacks is severely hampered and shadow disciplines
become all but impossible.

Subjects of the eyebite curse are extremely suspectible to being blinded
by bright lights, chemical attacks and foreign objects such as dust and
dirt. The curse also counters the minor protective effects of a vision

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