This is a directory of Alter Aeon help pages, grouped roughly by category. You can browse through each section. For a glossary of commonly used MUD terms, you may want to try our Muds and Mudding Glossary over in our Gaming Articles section. Click here to return to the main help index. 37 - thief skills 1 - thief skill backstab bstab stab 2 - thief skill bloodletting stab blstab 3 - thief skill bribery bribing 4 - thief skill case 5 - thief skill contortionism 6 - thief skill crippling strike 7 - thief skill dirt throwing 8 - thief skill dodge 9 - thief skill evasion evade 10 - thief skill vigilance 11 - thief skill fast talking fasttalking 12 - thief skill withdraw 13 - thief skill hide hiding 14 - thief skill palm 15 - thief skill peek 16 - thief skill distraction 17 - thief skill locks picking lockpicking 18 - thief skill examine locks 19 - thief skill pickpocket pocket 20 - thief skill potion throwing 21 - thief skill grenadier 22 - thief skill searching 23 - thief skill shoplifting 24 - thief skill skirmish 25 - thief skill sneaking 26 - thief skill stealthy movement 27 - thief skill steal rob 28 - thief skill throwing knifethrowing grenades bombs 29 - thief skill trip 30 - thief skill feign attack feint 31 - thief skill flourish flouresh flurish 32 - thief skill flick 33 - thief skill remise counter-parry circle-parry 34 - thief skill listening 35 - thief skill scout 36 - thief skill mechanical aptitude lore 37 - thief skill salvaging equipment parts salvage 38 - thief skill scrap equipment scrapping scrapper 39 - thief skill explosives 40 - thief skill flashbombs bombs 41 - thief skill incendiaries 42 - thief skill frostworks works 43 - thief skill shadowworks works 44 - thief skill gasbombs bombs 45 - build crafting grenades bombs fuses explosives 46 - grenades bombs recipes frag flashbomb firebomb frostring smokebomb stinkbomb shadowbomb bladebomb poisongas gas acid splash 47 - skill thief trapmaking making mechanical 48 - skill thief traps occult trapcraft craft 49 - skill thief umbral thrall 50 - traps triggers 51 - build cartridges casings gunpowder