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Alter Aeon Online Help

Keywords are:  'build crafting grenades bombs fuses explosives'

build fuse [length]
build shell
build grenade [object]

'Build fuse' spends a small amount of gold to create a fuse that can be used in
grenade construction. Valid fuse lengths are very short, short, medium, long,
and very long. If not specified, a very short fuse will be made.

'Build shell' spends a small amount of gold to create an empty grenade shell.

'Build grenade' assembles a functional grenade, if the user has a grenade shell
that contains all of the proper ingredients. To build a grenade, first 'split'
the components down into 1 lb portions. Place a fuse and three components into
an empty grenade shell, then use the 'build grenade' command.  For more details
see the help page for grenade recipes.

See also, 'help grenade recipes' for more information.

If you know the 'firearms proficiency' skill, you may be able to build
cartridges to use as ammunition.  See 'help build cartridge' for more

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