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Alter Aeon Online Help

Keywords are:  'thief skill shadow walk'

Skill: shadow walk              Mana:   5  Move:  10  Shadow Cost:  30  Lvl 31 Thie  (28%)
                                (important)   Requires: shadow strike
                                Group: Thief shadow disciplines

shadow walk <direction> [distance]

The thief steps into a shadow in one location and out of a shadow elsewhere.
Note that this skill will not let the thief go where he otherwise could not.

If the optional distance is given, the thief will travel no further than the
given number of rooms. The thief will end up in the furthest room that is
easily reachable by the thief's skill level.

Rules of shadow walking:
- you can never start in a sunlight room
- you can never land in a sunlight room
- you can start from a lit room
- you can land in a lit room, but always have a 25% chance to fail
- if you specify a distance, you'll either end up in that room or fail
- if you don't specify a distance, you'll go as far as you can subject
  to the various fail conditions and chances

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