Alter Aeon Online Help
Keywords are: 'jobs autoquests daily retrieval hunter delivery'
Some mobs give automatically generated jobs from time to time. You
can use the 'jobs' command to find and do these jobs:
job help
job find [type] - list mobs that might have jobs available
job list - list jobs available here
job list <number> - details of a job
job accept <number> - accept a given job
Jobs reward you with gold and experience. There is also a jobs
leaderboard if you are interested.
Jobs come in three broad categories: daily, priest and guild. Priest
jobs are given by priests to gain favor. Many of them are specific
to a particular god. Guild jobs are given out by guildmasters of the
various crafting guilds. They usually involve gathering resources or
creating specific items. All other jobs count as daily jobs.
Some of these may be quite difficult, so don't be afraid to get help
from your friends!