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Alter Aeon Online Help

This is a directory of Alter Aeon help pages, grouped roughly by category.
You can browse through each section.  For a glossary of commonly used MUD
terms, you may want to try our Muds and Mudding Glossary over in our
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40 - necromancer spells and skills
     1   - pets minions
     2   - necromancer debuggers testers designers thanks
     3   - necromancer soulstones soulgems stones
     4   - necromancer soulstone soulmarket smarket market
     5   - necromancer minions control points
     6   - necromancer spell candle
     7   - necromancer spell coldfire fire unfire
     8   - necromancer spell sickening touch
     9   - necromancer skill scent of death
     10  - necromancer skills blood bottling bottle
     11  - necromancer druid skills harvesting
     12  - necromancer skill bloodcasting bcasting
     13  - necromancer skill harvest bone
     14  - necromancer skill crafting bonecrafting
     15  - necromancer skill harvest corpsecutter cutter
     16  - necromancer spell dread portent
     17  - necromancer spell soulsteal steal
     18  - necromancer spell soulforge forge
     19  - necromancer spell soulshatter shatter
     20  - necromancer spell freespirit spirit
     21  - necromancer spell spectralward ward
     22  - necromancer spell tarrant's spectral hand tarrants
     23  - necromancer spell spectral claw
     24  - necromancer spell bloodbond bloodbind bond
     25  - necromancer spell gisco's giblet grenade giscos
     26  - necromancer spell field of the grasping dead
     27  - necromancer spell rotting sphere of nar'veraktu veraktu
     28  - necromancer skills demon summoning
     29  - necromancer skill summon demon familiars
     30  - necromancer skill consult demon lockinfo temptations
     31  - necromancer skill summon demon demonic favor
     32  - necromancer spell pledge demon
     33  - necromancer skill summon demon shadowfiend fiend shadowfeind feind
     34  - necromancer skill summon demonic tutor
     35  - necromancer skill summon demonic teeth dragonteeth dteeth
     36  - necromancer skill summon demon infernal visage
     37  - necromancer skill bind demon
     38  - necromancer skill summon demonic wardbreaker breaker
     39  - necromancer spell demonfire fire
     40  - necromancer skill bloodsacrifice bsacrifice sacrifice
     41  - necromancer spell foulblood blood
     42  - necromancer spell rancid flesh
     43  - necromancer spell dying breath
     44  - necromancer skill lifetap tap
     45  - necromancer spell bloodmist mist
     46  - necromancer spell ironblood blood
     47  - necromancer spell deathly sleep
     48  - necromancer skill harvest teeth dragon
     49  - necromancer spell boneshield shield
     50  - necromancer spell bonearmor armor
     51  - necromancer spell boneprison prison bonecage cage
     52  - necromancer spell coffin
     53  - necromancer spell bonefortress fortress
     54  - necromancer spell skeletal spider skeleton
     55  - necromancer spell skeletal warrior mage skeleton
     56  - necromancer spell skeletal knight lich
     57  - necromancer spell mend bones
     58  - necromancer spell bone dragon flying mounts
     59  - necromancer spell raised undead dead raising prepare preparing corpses
     60  - necromancer skill infuse element resistances prepare preparing corpses
     61  - necromancer skill prepare zombies ghouls mummy mummies vampires raising raised undead
     62  - necromancer minions raised undead comparison
     63  - necromancer skill consume consumption
     64  - necromancer spell enslave undead
     65  - necromancer skill deathwalker deathwalking walker walking
     66  - necromancer minions animation spells comparison
     67  - necromancer spell clayman man golem
     68  - necromancer spell strawman man wickerman
     69  - necromancer spell wooden woad woodwoad
     70  - necromancer spell boneguardian guardian
     71  - necromancer spell fleshbeast beast
     72  - necromancer spell metal construct
     73  - necromancer spell crystal skull
     74  - necromancer spell deanimate
     75  - necromancer spell animate dead corpse
     76  - necromancer skill soulbind soul bind
     77  - necromancer skill soulsmithing soulstone jewelry
     78  - necromancer skill graft undead
     79  - necromancer spell durhams guiding spirit guide
     80  - necromancer spell fear
     81  - necromancer spell preservation preserve
     82  - necromancer spell possession
     83  - necromancer spell bone blade
     84  - necromancer spell bone tools bonetools vessel shovel
     85  - necromancer spell bone arrow projectile
     86  - skill lore demon
     87  - skill lore undead

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