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Alter Aeon Online Help

Keywords are:  'brag show keywords'

This is a list of keywords for the 'brag' and 'show' commands.  Some
can only be used for one or the other.

absorb          ac              achievements    acorns
action          afame           affects         age
alignment       allies          ally            antisummon
area            areafame        armorclass      attacks
attributes      avoidmelee      bac             birthday
block           boons           breathsave      brews
cability        cards           carried         castability
castlevel       cfame           channeling      charisma
chrisma         clan            clevel          coins
cold            coldsave        combat          combatpoints
completedfame   constitution    control         coordinates
cost            credits         damage          damroll
date            day             deathcards      deeds
defending       defensive       dexterity       dice
dieroll         dodge           dotime          dpsecond
dr              drunkenness     dteeth          effects
electricity     elevel          emails          encumbrance
enemies         event           events          expcap
experience      explorepoints   explorerpoints  exposure
fame            faults          favor           feats
firesave        foes            follower        following
friends         gallies         gcasting        glevel
gmana           gmissing        god             gold
griddle         gridle          groupcasting    groupidle
groupleader     grouplevel      groupmana       groupranking
gwhere          hangover        height          helperpoints
here            hide            hitdam          hitpoints
hitroll         hours           hp              hpregen
hr              humidity        hunger          hungry
ice             idle            intelligence    introduction
inventory       items           jobs            kills
killstealing    leader          leaderboard     leaderranking
leading         legacies        legacy          levels
localfame       location        lostexperience  lowhitpoints
lowhp           lowmana         lowmovement     luck
lvl             magicresist     mana            melee
member          memberranking   minions         missing
mn              mobs            money           month
morale          motd            movement        mr
mregen          mv              newbiehelper    newbiepoints
nocombat        nogcasting      nogroupcasting  nokillstealing
nokstealing     noleave         nomelee         normal
normsave        nosummon        npcs            objectground
objectsground   objground       objs            parry
people          perfect         pk              players
playtime        points          poisoned        poisonsave
position        potions         ppk             practice
practices       precipitation   prompt          protectee
protecting      protector       quests          raining
randoms         ranking         rating          recall
regen           report          resistances     resists
room            saves           savingbreath    savingcold
savingfire      savingnormal    savingpoison    savingspell
savingthrows    savingzap       schedules       score
shadowchannel   shadowexposure  shieldblock     sick
size            skilllevel      sky             slevel
sneaking        snowing         soulstones      speed
spellresistance spells          spellsave       spentexperience
sr              statistics      stats           status
strength        submissions     summonable      sun
tanking         target          teeth           temperature
terrain         thac0           thirsty         time
traits          uniques         weapon          weather
weight          where           wielded         wimpy
wind            wisdom          year            zap

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