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Alter Aeon Online Help

Keywords are:  'dclient mapper mapping icons'

If you're using the official Alter Aeon custom client, you've probably
noticed that it has an awesome mapper.  If you're an advanced player,
you might want to use a different client and still have that map.

You can't.  This is intentional.

The custom dclient has the map because it uses special code, and it's
allowed to use that special code because it doesnt have triggers and
it doesn't allow scripting.

Other clients have triggers and allow complex scripting, and those
features are basically only used to build bots.  If you want to use a
client that allows you to bot, then you dont get map data.

Alter Aeon is a real time game, but most importantly, it's a social game
with real people on it.  When you're connected, you should either be
AFK or actively playing, not automatically running scripts and triggers.

Map icons are as follows:

Black eight-pointed star - recall
Red pentagon             - forge/workshop
Orange hexagon           - shop
Yellow triangle          - landmark
Bright green diamond     - bank
Light blue star          - shipyard
Purple octagon           - teacher
Blue pentagram           - guildmaster or priest
Thick brown line         - road
Thin brown line          - trail


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