This is a directory of Alter Aeon help pages, grouped roughly by category. You can browse through each section. For a glossary of commonly used MUD terms, you may want to try our Muds and Mudding Glossary over in our Gaming Articles section. Click here to return to the main help index. 49 - uncategorized pages 1 - contexts 2 - experience bank 3 - alloys 4 - huntsman bulls bull's eye sandstrider boldness soul sea scholars scholar's boons 5 - cap mega megacap super supercap double expgoal experience goal 6 - meteor meteorite 7 - rainbows 8 - gambling gamble games slot machine casinos reforger reforging jackpots 9 - lastlogin 10 - maps 11 - months calendar 12 - time realtime conversions 13 - areamap 14 - newbies information newby 15 - news 16 - relative 17 - rocks boulders 18 - ruler 19 - samons 20 - sunset 21 - taxes 22 - triggering triggers 23 - tidie 24 - thac0 25 - weight weightless 26 - voting vote-for-aa 27 - alteraeon aeon social media newsfeeds facebook twitter tumblr google reddit blogs vlogs 28 - alteraeon aeon youtube alteraeonproductions productions quarterly monthly updates vlogs 29 - alteraeon aeon cafepress store 30 - doubleexp doublecap bonus experience 31 - catrub puzzles 32 - dalahast dalecarlian horse 33 - deathmarch march 34 - deathtraps trap 35 - toxic assholes flag 36 - encounters boarders 37 - fighting combat battle 38 - grandfathered spells 39 - focuses foci 40 - guards 41 - injury injuries damage descriptions 42 - kaoken freaks backstab 43 - set landmark mark 44 - leaderboards 45 - lifesteal steal 46 - maxload loadprobability probability 47 - mobile mobs npcs 48 - satellites moons drakdrol gothos 49 - minerals felsic mafic karst geothermal hydrothermal saline glacial geology 50 - ores 51 - polymorphing transmogrify shapechange shapeshifting shapeshifter 52 - remort 53 - speedwalk walk 54 - suicide 55 - otion oshun oshen 56 - urban settlement biomes 57 - ocean river stream aquatic biomes 58 - taiga tundra frigid permafrost biomes 59 - highlands plateau biomes 60 - subterranean caverns underground sewer catacomb biomes 61 - mire marsh swamp jungle tropical wetlands bog fen biomes 62 - grasslands biomes 63 - xeric arid desert biomes 64 - barren wasteland biomes 65 - airborne biomes 66 - woodland biomes 67 - wear locations 68 - vnums virtual numbers 69 - uuids uids 70 - - = * ^ & 71 - + : ? . , 72 - coordinates 73 - events holidays advent 74 - error 75 - explorer exploration points 76 - firewood wood fwood swood bundle sticks 77 - monday snipehunt snipes weekday 78 - tuesday archery contest weekday 79 - wednesday humpday weekday 80 - thursday thirsty weekday 81 - friday derby cotd weekday 82 - saturday trivia game weekday 83 - bacon day event 84 - colonel jamison rub-some-bacon-on-it bacon legend 85 - ethereal ghosts 86 - milking 87 - carbon charcoal coal graphite steel 88 - lucky 89 - news records motd intro 90 - offset 91 - poison poisoned poisonous sickened toxins toxic 92 - diseases pathogens plagues sicknesses illnesses fever malaise anxiety infection viruses 93 - temples shrines chapels churches cathedrals haidens synagogues mosques 94 - pornography 95 - roads trails 96 - ticks 97 - traps category categories kinds types