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Keywords are:  'socketfilter filter grep'

<command> | grep [-v] [-i] <expression>

'grep' stands for 'Global Regular Expression Print'.  It's a universal
command on Unix, and we've decided to keep the same name.

Grep scans the output of a command for a pattern, and prints all lines
containing that pattern.  An excellent example of its use would be:

changes | grep the

This command attempts to display the recent server changes, but then pipes
those lines of text into the 'grep' filter.  Grep scans each line for the
word 'the', and discards all lines that don't contain it.  The net
result is that you will see all lines of text containing the word 'the'.

Note that the '.' character will match any other character.

The -v switch inverts the matching - it prints lines that don't match instead
of those that do.

The -i switch makes the searching case insensitive.

See also 'help socket filter'.

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