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Alter Aeon Online Help

Keywords are:  'prompts noprompt'

prompt                          Show what your current prompts are set to
noprompt                        Turn off all prompts
prompt fighting <stuff>         Sets prompt to use while fighting
prompt sleeping <stuff>         Sets prompt to use while sleeping
prompt default <stuff>          Sets prompt to use in all other cases

Regular tags you can use in your prompt:
%hp      hitpoints
%hpx     maximum hitpoints
%chp     color tag from group command, for hp
%ma      mana
%mnx     maximum mana
%cma     color tag from group command, for mana
%mv      movement
%mvx     maximum movement
%name    insult string
%mud     mud hostname, eg alter aeon
%chan    channel currently connected to
%pos     standing, resting, sleeping, etc
%xp      exp
%gold    gold
%ac      armor class
%align   alignment name
%valign  alignment value
%fi      character you are currently fighting
%fc      fighting chars' condition
%fp      fighting chars' condition, in percent
%fg      fighting chars' gender
%pc      your condition
%shu     current shadow usage
%shm     shadow usage maximum
%terrain the terrain of the room you're in
%temp    the temperature of the room you're in
%weather the weather of the room you're in
%wind    the wind of the room you're in
%area    area locale, may not work on all areas
%dtime   dawn, morning, night, sunset, etc.
%nl      soft return
%%       a single %

These three come with their own internal coloring levels
%php     percentage of remaining health
%pmn     percentage of remaining mana
%pmv     percentage of remaining movement

Extra conversions (only usable by gods):
%zone   zone
%rv     room vnum
%rs     room short
%wiz    wizinvis
%xcor   x coordinate
%ycor   y coordinate
%zcor   z coordinate

Also, you can reset your prompt by using the keyword 'NULL'.  For example:
prompt fighting NULL
will set your fighting prompt back to its default value.

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