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Alter Aeon Player Leaderboards

Leaderboards track the top players in a given category, with
categories ranging from highest level to most active brewer
and best grouping partners.  The top 50 players are listed.
To be eligible for a leaderboard, a player must have been active
in the last 30 days.

Current leaderboards are:

Number - Board Name
     1 - Overall Rankings
     2 - Total Levels
     3 - Fame
     4 - Achievements
     5 - Feats
     6 - Deeds
     7 - Legacies
     8 - Perfect Spells and Skills
     9 - Lost Experience
    10 - Spent Experience
    11 - Combat Points
    12 - Profession Points
    13 - Explorer Points
    14 - Newbie Helper Points
    15 - Hours Playing
    16 - Submitted Brews
    17 - Collected Soulstones
    18 - Completed Jobs
    19 - Unique Items Found
    20 - PK Arena Rank
    21 - Group Leader Rank
    22 - Group Member Rank


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