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Alter Aeon Player Leaderboards

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Previous Leaderboard - Total Levels
Next Leaderboard     - Achievements

Fame - Top 50 Players
  1 - Sandman              2780 the Archangel
  2 - Sirand               2779 the Legendary
  3 - Neenah               2777 the Hero
  4 - Asteroid             2775 the Archangel
  5 - Tamayo               2774 the Archangel
  6 - Peregrin             2772 the Archangel
  7 - Addie                2760 the Archangel
  8 - Stormwing            2758 the Legendary
  9 - Budster              2751 the Legendary
 10 - Asclepius            2751 the Legendary
 11 - Arianyx              2743 the Archangel
 12 - Taurus               2723 the Archangel
 13 - Ezechar              2710 the Legendary
 14 - Pickles              2710 the Legendary
 15 - Vanzan               2707 the Legendary
 16 - Rafa                 2701 the Tyrant
 17 - Eggweard             2690 the Legendary
 18 - Rocky                2660 the Legendary
 19 - Lokar                2658 the Archangel
 20 - Aldrin               2657 the Hero
 21 - Chokola              2648 the Legendary
 22 - Laeg                 2603 the Archangel
 23 - Algaliarept          2580 the Archangel
 24 - Potato               2573 the Legendary
 25 - Lake                 2532 the Archangel
 26 - Lifemake             2528 the Archangel
 27 - Clogger              2526 the Tyrant
 28 - Logic                2508 the Archangel
 29 - Kristy               2501 the Tyrant
 30 - Martin               2488 the Tyrant
 31 - Alki                 2481 the Archangel
 32 - Spicolli             2460 the Legendary
 33 - Cornish              2441 the Legendary
 34 - Meyaa                2434 the Archangel
 35 - Almaric              2429 the Legendary
 36 - Corvus               2415 the Legendary
 37 - Hyro                 2364 the Legendary
 38 - Granola              2361 the Archangel
 39 - Wolf                 2333 the Archangel
 40 - Pug                  2309 the Tyrant
 41 - Metallica            2303 the Legendary
 42 - Allison              2277 the Tyrant
 43 - Fighter              2275 the Tyrant
 44 - Kadian               2263 the Archangel
 45 - Ploy                 2232 the Tyrant
 46 - Kunlau               2208 the Archangel
 47 - Pylus                2201 the Tyrant
 48 - Mangler              2192 the Tyrant
 49 - Grimreaper           2176 the Archangel
 50 - Wu                   2146 the Legendary


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