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Alter Aeon Player Leaderboards

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Previous Leaderboard - Perfect Spells and Skills
Next Leaderboard     - Spent Experience

Lost Experience - Top 50 Players
  1 - Lokar                 15078611945
  2 - Odi                   11701070284
  3 - Ax                     9521941527
  4 - Acropont               9273153617
  5 - Nury                   7808524417
  6 - Naturist               7108955900
  7 - Laeg                   7015998207
  8 - Cheetah                7004597600
  9 - Torax                  6409945327
 10 - Rafa                   5748236307
 11 - Deadinator             5015864057
 12 - Mathayas               5008655760
 13 - Kadian                 4458854601
 14 - Almaric                4451065186
 15 - Marthinnezze           4365286927
 16 - Logic                  4031139141
 17 - Ploy                   3979349096
 18 - Ivey                   3860603314
 19 - Aldrin                 3644061374
 20 - Judas                  3522523327
 21 - Lexie                  3437741940
 22 - Dinotare               3394194817
 23 - Asclepius              3392848258
 24 - Wily                   3383043209
 25 - Earthshaker            3279306243
 26 - Dvick                  3249677665
 27 - Grass                  3216021350
 28 - Nermthegerm            3166033697
 29 - Kliro                  3054918879
 30 - Yayin                  3042182753
 31 - Tarzan                 3002962687
 32 - Peeon                  2965426992
 33 - Skyfalcon              2946057335
 34 - Taurus                 2905598689
 35 - Dizzy                  2870012021
 36 - Luis                   2842766532
 37 - Monolis                2776739595
 38 - Ezechar                2665703582
 39 - Jasondo                2600434980
 40 - Lithianna              2495024994
 41 - Lore                   2419085935
 42 - Megawolf               2394973290
 43 - Patience               2381381061
 44 - Potato                 2322219708
 45 - Dex                    2232713171
 46 - Power                  2052756847
 47 - Rowroad                2041114423
 48 - Bloody                 2034234046
 49 - Khonshu                1919151402
 50 - Malon                  1899286347


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