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AABN: 10223
Title: the Dogma of Ducttapology
On this day, Sunday, the 14th day of Valindar, it has
been revealed to me, Kralen, the Grand Poo-bah of
Ducttapology, that life as we have known it for ever, is
For our entire lives, we have been taught, and we
believed, that the earth travels through a great Void.
Today I tell you that this is pure and utter deceit.
Today I was debating the relative velocities of laden
swallows when I was struck from on high by a wad of duct
Noting that I was in a field so as to monitor the birds
unimpeded, and the birds themselves were carrying normal
coconuts, I was curious as to the origin of this item.
It was about noon, and the sun was high in the sky, but
it seemed strangly dark this hour. looking up I found I
was able to stare directly into the sun without harm and
beheld a giant factory! In that moment, the truth was
shown unto me.
We have had tape pulled over our eyes to blind us from
the truth. The truth that everything we've been told is
a coverup by a few in power. Absolute power.
The sky itself is made of ducttape ore that is mined for
the sinister purpose of controling the human race. The
Heavens, as we know them, do not exist. The sun is a
giant smelter of ducttape ore, and the stars at night
are the entrances of mines hidden from sight by the
smelter. The workers of these mines have been
genetically altered to match their environment and are
grey and lumpy.
Worship the Tape.
Kralen, Grand Poo-bah of the Church of Ducttapology
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