Alter Aeon The Great Library
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AABN: 10526
Title: a scroll entitled, 'To Turn Away the Unliving, footnotes'
The following has been inscribed on this yellowed scroll:
To Turn Away the Unliving, footnotes
written by Falsta, priest-mage of Shadowfax
translated by Gawain, royal alchemist of Trinsic
Two interesting footnotes regarding turn undead:
1. Angels consume positive energy in a fashion similar to the way undead
consume negative energy and also mimic the gods' ability to collect divine
power on a much smaller scale. Angels therefore have a small reservoir of
god power. Since angels consume divine energy and do not project it,
deities don't receive god power from angelic followers, which is likely why
gods don't simply create hosts of angels to worship them and strive so hard
to obtain mortal converts.
Angels can turn undead. They do so by expending collected positive energy.
2. Demons exude negative energy despite being living creatures. This
reveals a strong interdependence between demons and undead, which is why
necromancy has such an affinity for both types of creatures. Like angels
and undead, because demons do not project positive energy, a god can
collect no divine power from demonic worshippers. This is yet another
reason why gods are so interested in obtaining the favor of mortals and
generally eschew demonkind.
Demons can turn undead by projecting their negative energy into a victim
and causing an overload.
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