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Alter Aeon The Great Library

Welcome to the Alter Aeon Historical Archive!

Note - as with any topic, researchers should question the reliability
and veracity of these texts.  The library's aim is to preserve
documents, not verify accuracy.

AABN:  13787
Title: The Necromarcanorum Volume VIII: Sundry Undead

 This scroll is made from black leather, rolled around a waxed rod of
darkwood. The text is large and blocky, written with dense white chalk that
is sealed into the leather:

"A few other kinds of created undead have been documented over the ages.
These include:

Walking skeletons -- these undead are created from the bones of humanoids
and animals. They are not to be confused with the magical skeletons created
from dragon teeth nor with the homunculi created from fresh corpses known
as bone guardians. They are raised in a fashion very similar to zombies.
They must have their joints reinforced with rope, rawhide, rivets, bolts or
advanced magical processes to keep from falling apart. Though faster than
zombies and more difficult to hit due to their smaller frames, they tend to
be frail and weak compared to more robust raised undead, and often far more
tedious to prepare.

Tomi'loks -- these undead are created through a combination of traditional
undead animation rituals and the magic present in dragon teeth. A fresh
corpse is preserved, then a pair of dragon's teeth is placed in its mouth.
It is then instilled with soulstone energy. When raised, the teeth are
absorbed into the body, growing into a draconic skull that encases and
fuses into the head of the corpse. The body is enlarged and its tissues
become dense and bone-like, increasing in toughness. The resulting undead
is more durable than a zombie, possesses a powerful bite attack and can
unleash blasts of fire, ice or lightning from its mouth like a dragon.

Erlkings -- sometimes considered a variety of wight, these powerful undead
creatures are prepared as tomb guardians by the High Aalfs of Fairy. They
possess all the knowledge and abilities they had in life, which is
considerable. They appear as tall, beautiful humanoids with brilliantly
glowing skin and dark, sunken eyes." 

Mylings -- these horrific undead are made from the corpses of children or
even fetuses. There are conflicting accounts of how they come to be. Some
may rise spontaneously from murdered children or ones that perish in
traumatic events such as floods, fires, plagues or lightning strikes.
Others are created by wicked necromancers, who kill the child in an obscene
ritual before raising them. Whatever their origin, all sources agree that
mylings were not given proper burial rites, leaving their bodies vulnerable
to possession by unnatural forces. They are not particularly strong, but
their voice and appearance can be demoralizing.

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